Last modified 10/05/2023

Professional waiter cover letters – introductory letters examples and templates for resume :

Next we will show you some good example of a Professional waiter cover letter so you can elaborate your curriculum vitae successfully, a resume can be elaborated even better if you add a good introduction letter on it.

You must remember that the final objective of the cover letter is to show certain aspects which were not mentioned on the curriculum vitae, and actually somehow it helps the person in charge of the people’s selection process to be more interested about you and your past jobs so you can obtain the important job interview.

At the time when you write a good cover letter, it is really convenient to keep on mind if this will be sent to some advertising section on any diary, magazine or jobs  boards or perhaps it just will be a spontaneous introduction.

Waiter  cover letter sample :
Dear Human resources Manager :

I am really interested about getting a job at Resort Hotel in Punta Cana .
Here I will add my curriculum vitae so you can check on my professional career
I would like to remark the capacity I possess to speak 6 languages (English, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, and Portuguese) totally good and clear.

In my long experience as waiter at many restaurants in Barcelona, I showed my skills to work for a very long time uninterruptedly, exactly 7 days a week during the whole high season. For me, it would be a great experience to work in one of your hotels at Dominican Republic so that way I would have the chance to be in contact with people for other countries, I mean other culture, and of course I will be able to know the working style of that country.

I consider myself as a polite person, with manners for the people, cooperative and of course I can maintain discipline everywhere I am working at.
For all of these, I think I count with enough knowledge to obtain a place at the restaurants or reception department, without making mention about any other department you consider a better option for me.

I hope my request for job can be considered as an important one, maybe now or in a future, I can have the chance to meet you on a personal interview.
I shall thank you for reading my letter and for your time.

My sincere greetings.

Jhon lee

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