Last modified 01/25/2024

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When a woman gets married, she dreams of a marriage full of happiness, love, trust and tolerance, and that is achieved with a great effort. We must not forget that the little details and nice gestures between the members of a couple should not just exist when we they are dating, but must be taken into account during the marriage and even more so with the passing of the years.
Today we offer you many beautiful words, very tender phrases you can dedicate to your husband. With these phrases you will remind him how much you love him. Share them via text messages or through social networks. I assure you that you will not regret it and that he will be grateful.
Free list of love texts for a husband:
:: “The greatest gift I have received is to have you as a husband. My love for you has not changed despite the years that have passed. I love you very much”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “I have not found anyone who loves me and understands me like you. I appreciate so much that you have entered my life to make me happy. What would I do without you”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “In you I found the love I needed and I can feel it every day that I am by your side. I would not change you for anything in the world, you are the best husband of all”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “The best thing that happened to me is to see you wake up next to me and think that we will love each other for the rest of our lives”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “Perhaps you were not the first love of my life, but I am sure that you will be the last one because since I gave you my love, I felt trapped by your love”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “All the moments we live together are not as I imagined, they are way better. I am so happy that I would not share my life with anyone else”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “If I had to choose a husband once again, I would choose you a thousand times. That is why I always say that if you were not next to me, I would not be happy”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “I know what love is because I met you, you taught me to love and made me the happiest person on earth. I love you so much”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “Even if we have problems, we do not agree on everything or do not understand each other sometimes, I still love you, because together we know how to solve problems and do not allow them to separate us”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “The minute I saw you, I realized that you would become someone important in my life. We started a love story and it will continue until death tears us part and takes us into the kingdom of God”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “So far I have not seen a more affectionate and more beautiful man than you, you are unique in the face of the earth. I always thank God because he brought you into the world and made me the happiest woman in the world!
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “Because I love you, all the good memories I lived next to you were impregnated in me, and the bad memories do not exist any longer, they stayed in the past”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “When I woke up and saw you sleeping, I was fascinated. When I watch over your dreams I think we still have so much time to live our love. I know that if we stay together our love will always be fine”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “In this world there is no one other than you that makes me feel so happy. I decided to be with you and I will fulfill my promise to always stay by your side until God decides to take me from you”.
Category: love texts for your husband
– I always remember when we were at the altar and I said “yes” to you. It is the best determination I had, I changed my course and I am happier every day”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “Every day we are forming a strong love that no one will be able to hurt. I am grateful for being your wife, you are an example of a man who protects me and who I can trust. I love you my love just as you are”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “I want you to always remember that my love for you is endless. That I would choose you as my husband countless times and that my heart only beats for you”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “How could I stop loving you if you show me every day how much you love me and with your touch you make my day happy? There is no better choice than having chosen you as my life partner”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “Was it God, destiny or fate that made me find you in life. Whoever was it, I am so grateful, because I cannot imagine my life with anyone other than you”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “Do not let time destroy our love. Do not let adversity and daily routine put an end to our love. I love you very much and I want to continue loving you until death do us part”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “It is life the one that united our destinies to come together, fall in love and love each other. And now that our lives are together, I am more than happy to make you happy until the end of our lives”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “Our love is not common. Our love will never end. We love each other and our marriage will last as long as we get to live”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “When you look at me I can see in your eyes that we love each other. When you touch me I can feel you want me as much as I do. Let us not allow this passion to fade with time. I love you so much my love”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “You are the only one who complements me. You understand me more than anyone. No one loves you like me. Nobody will make you as happy as I do my love”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “This is what paradise must be like. Being together, smiling together, seeing how your eyes shine, and making you feel happy. That wherever we are we are right for each other”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “We have experienced so many things together, joy and sorrow. Now we belong to each other. I cannot imagine living my life without you by my side”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “I am very happy when I take your hand and we walk through the streets thinking that I am the owner of your love. I am very happy when you say you love me back and that we will never part. I love you my dear husband”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “All I ever want is to be by your side. When you are not next to me, time seems to stop. When you are beside me, time flies by”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “I love you more than just wanting you. I desire to protect you more than just taking care of you. I live more for you than just with you. I love you”.
Category: love texts for your husband
:: “When I am in your lap, nothing is wrong. I feel a great peace when you tell me you love me. I am very grateful that you are the way you are with me”.
Category: love texts for your husband
Each one of these phrases will help you express to your husband that you still love him as much as when you got married.
Image courtesy of “David Castillo Dominici” /

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