Last modified 01/27/2024

Successful CV resumes free tips: Guide on how to write a good CV resume :

Before trying to find a good job, it’s important to remember that just like us; there are several people with the same intentions of getting a job, this is why the most important thing is to find the better way to attract the attention of the person in charge to picking up the right people, so at the end you will become THE FAVORITE CANDIDATE.

How to do this? You may ask…well it’s simple, with a correct way and strategically writing of your Curriculum Vitae. This well named curriculum vitae is where you detail the experience, characteristics, skills, etc of each person. 

The curriculum vitae must not has any little mistakes, this should be develop in a short but interesting text, so that way, the person in charge of picking up the people do not get bored while reading it, of course and no least important, it is of good knowledge to check it carefully so the curriculum will not have any orthographical or grammatical mistake. 

Take this like an advice; it would be recommendable that you find out who is the person in charge whom you will talk to, and the charge of this person in the company, try to avoid just going to a specific department. 

In the first paragraph of the curriculum you should indicate the way you find the job advertising or job proposal, the day it was published and what is the charge you attempt to. The second paragraph must have the introduction, in other words, it must describe all about your professional development and job experience gained before, by mention these descriptions the person in charge will know the kind of abilities and skill you are able to give to their company. Also it’s important to mention of the reason why you are attempting to that charge in the company. And at the end, make sure to finish your curriculum vitae in a creative way. 

The followings will show you a clear example of some characteristics of a good curriculum vitae: 

Credit Bank BCP

Ing. Walter Woods

2563 George Clooney Av,
New England, NE
Dear  Sr. Woods
I am really excited with the charge of accountancy advisor that your company offers in a local newspaper called “La Republica “.

I have a bachelor’s degree, my exactly career is accountancy management, I obtained that degree from the San Ignacio de Loyola University and I have finished my professional practices in the administration area with a company called 3M. I posses the theoretical knowledge about accountancy and administration, I am very interested in the administrative area of the most important bank of the country such like it is the Credit Bank, with over 120 years of experience.

This charge would be my goal, and I’d be pleased to perform it at the right time. If you need any other information please do not hesitate and contact me, I’ll be pleased of inform you. I hope we meet each other soon.


Paul Moore

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