Last modified 01/25/2024

Who qualifies for Canadian permanent Residence visa
Immigrating to Canada is the opportunity of getting access to a better life in which it is possible for you to accomplish all your goals. Those goals, which for various reasons could not be realized in your country of origin, may be concretized in the Canadian territory.

This, thanks to Canada’s immigration policy, which allows immigration, creating a possibility for many people to follow their dreams and aims. It is just a matter of encouraging and request relevant and updated information. 
The big difference between Canada and other developed countries is in its relationship it has with immigrants. You should know that immigrants who enter Canada do it as a permanent resident. So what will you need be able to obtain the residency? Well, just enough to qualify and approve the assessments made by the immigration authorities of the Canadian embassy in your area. No any other processes or conditions will be required. 
Canada, in addition to being culturally very open to foreigners, is a country whose development is continued by immigrants, for whom there are several immigration programs. Through these programs, the applicant may approach their dream of settling permanently in the vast Canadian territory. 
There are four existing programs to immigrate to Canada for you to choose from. Under these categories apply requests and initiate the procedures for permanent residence in Canada: Immigration of skilled worker class (Skilled Worker), Immigration Business Class (Business), Family Class Immigration and Immigration chosen by Quebec. 
However, the requirements of these programs are the obstacles you must overcome in order to be able to obtain your permanent residency. Each program has a lesser or greater level of rigor and thoroughness, as the public it was for each of these programs. 
Once he or she has entered Canada, the individual receives a Permanent Resident Card (PR Card). This document recognizes this person as a resident of the Canadian territory and it also guarantees that he or she has acquired almost all the same duties and rights of any other Canadian citizen (with exceptions for the right to vote in the elections and at the time of the stays outside Canada.)

Regarding the time it takes to process the applications for immigration to Canada for permanent residence, they generally can take from 6 to up 36 months (3 years), and may have certain complications during the procedure. 
Note that there are some provinces in Canada that sets some additional conditions to the acceptance of their application by the applicant. Thus, in the case of the French – speaking province of Quebec, which has its own immigration policy, it is generally easier to fulfill their requirements, but it is important to notice that among their requirements is to have a good command of French. 
As you saw, access to permanent residence in Canada is no evaluation process following the arrival on Canadian soil. Any immigrant who has applied to one of Canada’s immigration programs, with an application for permanent immigration, has the chance of accessing Canada with a permanent resident visa. Do not wait any longer; start to assess your real choices to live in Canada right now! 

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