Last modified 10/07/2023

supplier presentation examples letters, supplier presentation letter, supplier presentation models lettersThe best samples of letters of presentation as a supplier

People who are engaged in the distribution and sale of products or services should study well their target market and how to interact with it, in order to generate profits.
If it is a company that is just entering the market should consider what would be their promotional tools, as well as make agreements with companies that may need their products or services.
The image that a supplier can give to a company offering their products or services may be through a letter, so in the next lines we will give you two examples for you to send it to the company that interests you.
Model 1 of a supplier presentation letter:
Quito May 5th, 2012
Ramon Heredia Avenue No 765
Phone 54357651 and 60976450
Los Vencedores Avenue No 5413
Phone 65439076
To whom it may concern:
Through this letter CRAFTS KIWIRU SA, company with a history of five years experience in exports of handicrafts, with quality products and above all counting on all certifications required by the external market, informs:
We are specialists in handicrafts artisans, we already have industrial factories for our final product has the quality that the market demands, while we are suppliers of more than 50% of the market, because our products are innovative and have exclusive designs and also work with private label or store brand.
Best regards,
Model 2 of a supplier presentation letter:
Caracas August 6th, 2012
Andres Cosme Zuloeta
Hotel Good Life
The Titans Av 5462
Phone 54637892 to 245267389
Wollfred Corporation
Encalada Avenue n ° 4321
Tel 76543210
To whom it may concern:
Through the following letter, I send you politely greets from Andres Cosme Zuloeta, representative of the firm Hotel Good Life, to communicate the following:
We were informed that their famous Wollfred Corporation, came to our country for a series of negotiations, we are very excited to offer our services as we would be happy to attend to your needs.
Hotel Good Life is one of the most luxurious hotels in the city, is a five stars hotel with comfortable facilities and environments where you can conduct negotiations, these also have the technology you require.
Being me the representative of Hotel Good Life, I can assure you that we are one of the leaders in the market of hotel service, if you want to know more about our company please visit the website www.goodlifehotel.vz or write me an email and I will help you make the best decision.
Andres Zuloeta Cosme,
Trade Representative
Hotel Good Life
Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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