Last modified 01/25/2024

birthday sample speech, 15 years old daughter, example speechNice speech for a 15 years old daughter

The most wonderful time for any father is when your little daughter is now a teenager. And comes to your mind those moments when you played and you felt very happy to have a daughter like her.
And as today is an unforgettable day when you celebrate the day of her 15 years old, and it’s your turn to dedicate the respective words during the ceremony, you are so excited and you don’t know what to say and you have a little afraid about what the others can think about your words.
You can be calm now because in this section you could find the perfect words that will impress to everyone and especially that little girl that you love so much and soon will be a beautiful woman.
Example of a speech for a 15 years old daughter:
My dear daughter, even you are now a young lady, I can’t forget when you was a little baby, when you woke up very early to give you milk or when you fouled your diaper and I ran to cleanse you. Those moments are deeply saved in my heart.
You always have been a very obedient daughter, that’s why I feel so proud of you, I admire you a lot and today that I see you I realize that you will be a great woman soon.
My daughter, I was thinking all night about what would be the most beautiful that I could say in your 15 birthday, and until this moment nothing comes to my mind, and for a few seconds I felt something in the deepest of my heart and this is what I want to tell you in this moment and is something that will worth more than any speech, because I want you to know that since you were born you were the engine of my life to be someone better, because I love you a lot and I will love you until the end of my days.
In this moment I want to say you something very special, and I hope that you keep it in your heart your entire life:
In the moment that knew that you were going to born, I felt very excited, and now your mom and I are very happy for the great person you became. I am very grateful because you filled with happiness our life. We love you so much and we will give you all that you wish. I hope you to enjoy a lot.
These words that we have put are what a daughter expects to hear in her 15 birthday because it’s a special day for her, and what they want to know is what her parents feel about her. Remember to make her very special and all that get out of your heart is what she wants to know. These beautiful words that you will tell in her party will fill her with a lot of happiness and will make that this day will be unforgettable.
Do not forget that we always are putting phrases, thoughts, all kind of messages to help you for any situation that you could be. For that, come again to our web page because we are ready to help you. Remember to make your daughter very special in her 15 birthday, especially don’t forget to express that you admire and love her a lot. You know that 15 years never forgets, so she will like that you show her your feelings about her. See you soon.
Image courtesy of “digitalart” /

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