Last modified 10/09/2023

resume example letters, resume letter, resume model letterGood letters to complement a resume

If we want to improve our chances of getting a job, it is important to stand out from all applicants and this requires that we develop a resume that causes a good impression.
Additionally we attach supporting documents certifying our studies and the time worked in different companies in which we have worked and then it is advisable that we may write a letter of presentation in which, through positive statements, talk about our qualifications, experience and skills. Here we show two examples of letter to complement your CV you can modify and customize to attach.
Example 1 of a letter to complement a resume:
Montevideo, March 10th, 2013
Gonzalo Chavez Perez
Mechanical Engineer
Phone 3205487
Metalworking Industries
Artigas Av 568
Phone 90825310
Anyone who may be interested:
Through this letter, in the most respectful way, let me introduce myself to your company.
My full name is Gonzalo Chavez Perez and I am a mechanical engineer at the University of East 33 and I am currently looking for a company in which can develop my skills through labor. It is my understanding that Metalworking Industries is a leading national company and I wish to belong to the workforce of your company.
I belong to the class of 2010 and I have three years of experience in a recognized industry mechanical field. In order to improve professionally and continue doing my career line, my purpose is to belong to a large company like this you lead.
I attach all supporting documentation, such as transcripts and job recommendations with my resume for the purpose that you deem necessary.
Gonzalo Chavez Perez
Mechanical Engineer
Example 2 of a letter to complement a resume:
Bogota, May 15th, 2013
Adriana Campos Vallerriestra
Professional Chef
Phone 70982645
Paris Gourmet restaurant
70 St. No 1230
Best regards:
Through this letter I have the pleasure to introduce to your prestigious restaurant.
My full name is Adriana Campos Vallerriestra, I am a professional chef and graduated with honors from the Institute on Race Sena Haute Cuisine.
At present, I am looking for a prestigious company in which to work to increase my work experience and demonstrate my skills and abilities as a chef and I understand that the restaurant is one of the most successful and renowned in the city of Bogotá.
I am a proactive professional, with defined goals and a high level of commitment. Throughout my working career I have been highlighted for my innovation and presentation of the dishes that conform the menu. I know that in your restaurant I will perform an excellent job.
I attach the entire and respective documentation to this case, along with my resume, for the purpose that you deem necessary.
Adriana Valle Riestra fields
Professional Chef
Image courtesy of “stockimages” /

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