Last modified 01/16/2024

original birthday texts for a baby, send free birthday texts for a babyFree cute birthday texts for your baby

The arrival of a baby into this world is a cause for joy and celebration, especially for its parents and their closest friends and family. The happiness you feel when you become a parent is huge and that is why they are so focused on every little thing that happens to their little baby and they really enjoy seeing him learn and grow every day.
If the first year of your baby, that date you have been waiting for so long is approaching, it would be perfect if you shared with your friends and family any of the phrases that we offer you below. You will see that they will awaken the tenderness and sympathy of all and they send you many greetings and congratulations on your baby’s birthday. You can also use these phrases in the invitation cards for the birthday celebration.
Free examples of birthday texts for your baby:
:: “You are the best gift that life has given me and I am very happy to have you by my side. Have a beautiful birthday my beautiful angel”.
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “You fill my life with tenderness and just with one of your smiles my world is filled with total happiness. Thanks for coming to me, happy birthday my dear baby”.
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “I thank God for granting me the great happiness it is to have you in my life. Your arrival on this world brightened our home. May God bless you always my beloved baby. Many congratulations on your birthday!”
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “May you have a nice birthday my dear baby. Being next to you and seeing you grow is something very exciting. I promise I will always be with you and I will give you my best”.
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “I love you more than my own life, for you are the most wonderful thing that has happened to me. Today you are celebrating your first year of life and I feel very happy of being your mom. Many congratulations! ”
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “It has been a year since the beautiful day you came into the world, I do not remember a moment of greater happiness than that. Have a nice birthday my beautiful baby! ”
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “What I wish the most is to be by your side to see you grow up healthy and happy. My beloved son, you are the reason of my existence, I wish you a beautiful birthday”.
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “You are the one who motivates me to give and try my very best. I will always be with you because I love you and I want to see you happy. Have a beautiful birthday! ”
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “You are the most beautiful thing I have and you are also my reason for living. My beautiful angel, today that you celebrate a year from your arrival into the world, my heart is filled with joy. I love you so much”.
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “There are no words to express all the beautiful feelings that I felt since I knew I was expecting you. It has been a year since you came into my life and I am happier than ever. Have a nice birthday”.
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “By your side I have learned to give everything without holding anything back because all I want is your welfare. Today we celebrate another year since your birth and I wish you a happy birthday my cute little baby”.
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “Many congratulations on your birthday! On a day like this you came into our home to fill it with joy. I love you very much my cute little girl”.
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “Ever since I knew that I was expecting you, my life changed completely. In this day we are celebrating one more year of your life and I wish you all the happiness in the world”.
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “Being a mother is the best thing that has ever happened to me because I have learned to love like I never imagined I could. Have a happy birthday dear baby”.
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “My dear son, you came into our lives to rejoice us with your tenderness and your shenanigans. Thank you for showing us what true happiness means, we love you and wish you a happy birthday, and may there be many more to come”.
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “You are the greatest blessing that our Heavenly Father has given me in this world, so I ask Him to bless you and protect you all the days of your life. May you be very happy for this first year you meet in life”.
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “You are like an angel that was sent from heaven to bring me the greatest happiness that can exist in the world. I love you with all my heart and may you have a birthday filled with much happiness”.
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “I waited nine months for you with the greatest illusion that can exist in the world and now that I have you with me and you are celebrating your first 12 months of life, I realize how lucky I am. Many congratulations on your first birthday ”
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “My precious little angel, even though you are too young to understand what this special day is about, I am sure that when you grow up and see the pictures of your birthday you will be very happy. I love you with all my heart”.
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “All the beautiful memories of your first birthday celebration will be kept in my mind like precious memories, and I will feel joy when remembering them. May God bless you in your first year of life”.
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “I am so happy to have in my arms the most beautiful baby in the whole planet. I am filled with so much hope to think about your future and I want to wish you the best in life. Happy Birthday”.
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “You are a perfectly healthy, very happy and very sweet girl and that is why I am so grateful with God, for granting me the blessing of being a mom. Congratulations on your birthday and may we celebrate many more”.
Category: birthday texts for a baby
:: “I love you and I adore you more than anyone on the planet because you awake in me the greatest happiness that can exist in life. Have a very happy birthday, my little baby”.
Category: birthday texts for a baby
There is no greater joy in this world than what our children give us joy. Share any of these phrases and share with everyone the happiness the first year of your baby’s life brings you.
Image courtesy of “Salvatore Vuono” /

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