Last modified 10/07/2023

universities ranking in colombia, the best universities in colombia, good universities in colombiaTop 5 Best universities in Colombia

The university is one of the most important stages in the life of your children, to choose a good study center is vital to their education, as the most prestigious universities and institutes are the ones that ensure optimal teaching for the proper development of their career.
On this article you will find a list of the top 5 universities in Colombia, so you can choose between them what is best for you. Review the list and decide soon, the years pass and the time go faster than you expect. Assure the future of the smallest of the house.
In fifth place we have the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá. This university has a vast enrollment, and a group of qualified teachers which is bigger than in several universities in Colombia. It also has a Postgraduate program and modern facilities to ensure the optimal development of their students, including a football field, a library, a gym, a film library and a clinic among others. It offers a variety of careers to follow, in all areas.
In fourth place we find the Universidad de los Andes, also located in Bogotá. This campus has 9 faculties and 31 careers, and offer doctoral, specialization and master, and several accreditations. This university, considered one of the top three universities in Colombia, becomes important because it is a cultural center in the popular area of La Candelaria, for their hard work in the promotion of art and culture.
In third place we find the Universidad del Valle, in the Cauca Valley. It is a school that has several campuses and is characterized by a research area. They offer more than 200 academic programs from which the student can choose their preference and fit into campus life. Also, this school has established several agreements with institutions abroad A good choice, no doubt.
In second place we have the University of Antioquia in Medellin. This university is the most important of Antioquia and the second most viewed by the Colombians. It is characterized by the area of research and for being a cultural center also very interesting, besides being a center of transmission of culture. It offers a number of careers in science, arts and humanities.
Finally, the most important university and to which most young people choose to go is the National University of Colombia. This school is the most important of the whole country and offers students a wide variety of academic programs with adequate infrastructure. It is located within the top 400 universities in the world, with more than 2,000 teachers in all areas.
These were the top 5 universities in Colombia, remember that if you choose a good school you will be giving your children the benefits of develop optimally in their work life.
Being a professional is what counts, but in many cases, the university in which you are formed has importance. Have your children enjoy a good education and do not worry that they would be very thankful for the support you give them today. Come back soon to our website for more free tips.
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