Last modified 01/25/2024

How to request the social security number ? :

ssc-usaThe social security number or card, is given to the immigrants who are, or not, authorized to work, and allows them to access to the benefits of the social security and to services that the North American government provides.

Non immigrant visa, social insurance number, Social Security Administration.

Those immigrants who have the non immigrant visa and those who have the permanent residency (Green Card), once arriving on American territory, have the right and obligation to process their Social Security Number (SSN), which is given by the United States Government, through the dependence known as Social Security Administration.

The objective for the government by giving this social security number is to have a permanent knowledge of the income and the benefits that the legal immigrant might receive. For the immigrant, the social security card will allow him or her to obtain a job, receive benefits and services given by the government, as well as renting or buying houses and obtain credit cards given by the banks.

The Social Security Administration emits three types of differentiated cards by the type of addressee and benefit:
• There is a card emitted to North American citizens and permanent residents, allowing them to work with no limitations.
• A second card is the one give to the non immigrants, who have the authorization of the Immigration Service to work.
• The third card is give to the non immigrants who do not have authorization to work, but because of the federal law, they must have it.

The search of information for the producer for obtaining it is done in any of the Social Security Administration offices; it can also be done through the phone (1 – 800 – 772 – 1213), or through the web site of this office: You do not need to know how to speak in English, because this office provides you with a free interpreter, after you get them to know of your limitation, they also offer information in 14 different languages in any of the methods mentioned before.

The requirements for the procedure are to fill the SS – 5 – SP Application for a Social Security Card Form and enclose your valid passport with the visa given by the Immigration Department or your permanent residency (if you have already got it), your working permission emitted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and your original birth certificate, in which you can see the place and date of your birth. The documents must be original copies or copies certified by the institution which emitted them.

The procedure to obtain it is performed by the titular of the visa directly in any of the Social Security Administration offices or sending the file through an e – mail. The procedure is free of charge, lasts for around 15 days and is sent through the postal service to the home of the one making the process.

The Social Security Administration recommends you to not only learn by hard your social security number, but also to leave your card in a safe place at home, because you can lose it or get mobbed, and with this number, your identity can be stolen by processing credit cards under your name.

The family of the person with the visa that were authorized to enter to the United States, can obtain benefits and services without having a social security number.

Summing up, having a non immigrant visa, allows the immigrant to access to the social security card, which, at the same time, will allow him or her to get a job and access to the social security benefits provided by the American government.

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