Last modified 01/20/2024

job promotion SMS, job promotion texts, job promotion thoughtsGreetings for a job promotion

Be promoted in the company where you work is a matter of great joy for any worker. If you know someone who in his employment has been promoted and you should celebrate this great recognition with your friends. You could express your congratulations for his deserved promotion with a nice message.
Below you will find a list of greetings for a friend for his promotion, select the phrase that seems the most appropriate for him and dedicate it to your friend.
Free list of messages for a friend for his promotion:
:: “Since you started working in this business you’ve proven you are a great professional, your responsibility and commitment to the company are the reasons why you have earned this great recognition. Congratulations on your promotion”.
Category :job promotion messages
:: “Your willingness to work motivates us to be like you and today is no surprise that you have been promoted within the company. I really wish you great success in your new position, we are very happy with this achievement”.
Category :job promotion messages
:: “With this new position that your bosses have gave you, they recognize the great work you do each day. I congratulate you my dear friend”.
Category :job promotion messages
:: “This is just the beginning of many hits you get in your professional life. I am very proud to work with you and learn from you every day. Congratulations on your promotion”.
Category :job promotion messages
:: “You have well deserved this promotion; you are a very dedicated and responsible worker. I wish you could continue gaining more successes in your life, I congratulate you very much”.
Category :job promotion messages
:: “I have witnessed the efforts you have made since you started to work in that company, now you have what you deserve. I congratulate you very much for this promotion and I hope you can achieve much more”.
Category :job promotion messages
:: “When you do something with passion, you will always be the best one. All the efforts you have made, today are rewarded by being promoted. Congratulations and I hope that all goes well in the new position you got”.
Category :job promotion messages
:: “Many congratulations on this achievement obtained, you are a very good worker and we are proud of working with you. I salute you for this great success and I hope success in this new position”.
Category :job promotion messages
:: “Your sense of responsibility and your dedication will get you very far, this promotion is a sample of all the things you can accomplish. I hope you continue getting more achievements in your career”.
Category :job promotion messages
:: “When you came to this company we realized you were an outstanding employee. This promotion is the first achievement among many others that await for you. Congratulations dear friend”.
Category :job promotion messages
:: “Your work has always been admirable and there is no doubt it will remain like that in this new position. Congratulations dear friend and wish you have more successes”.
Category :job promotion messages
:: “With this promotion you are assuming many challenges and you will certainly do an excellent work. Your perseverance and commitment will take you very far. I congratulate you very much for this great recognition”.
Category :job promotion messages
:: “Working hard will give you many rewards and being promoted is one of them. From a young age you has shown us that you are an efficient worker. Many congratulations for the promotion”.
Category :job promotion messages
Use any of these greeting to congratulate your friend for his deserved promotion at work. Come back soon for more messages.
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