Last modified 01/25/2024

career, career goals, career objectivesLong term and short term career goals

Developing in the activity that we love is the dream of everyone. Not only for the salary we will be paid, but also because work makes people increase their capacities. The experience you get after several years of word is essential for a good professional performance and to have more opportunities to receive a better wage income.
Professional success is achieved only if we define what we want. If an employee demonstrates professionalism, responsibility, commitment to the business and has the ability to work calmly with a team, then he will have many more options.
Those who want to enter the work activity or are looking for a different job different than the one they already have, then they have to be very clear and put it on their resume so that potential employers or bosses know what the applicant for the job is looking for.
Goals for university professionals:
:: “To use all the knowledge acquired in college and take it to practice, get experience in field work, get to know and understand the activity in the area of logistics, do teamwork and do work related to my profession”.
Category :Career goals samples
:: “Have a leadership position different from my old job, motivate employees, perform consulting for conflict resolution, organizing working groups to promote competition and thus thrust the performance in different areas focused from a psychological point of view”.
Category :Career goals samples
:: “Implement new educational plans in line with modern technology and changes in the current education system. Generate a commitment not only in students but also in parents in order to improve the skills and knowledge of the learner”.
Category :Career goals samples
:: “Develop as a nurse to implement my studies in health sciences, to provide humane and personalized treatment to each patient, effectively fulfill the tasks assigned to patients in order to provide quality care to all”.
Category :Career goals samples
:: “Perform detailed reports with verifiable information sources, reviews accounting books for the detection of inefficient spending, make use of technologies to perform a thorough check of finances and the investments that are made”.
Category :Career goals samples
Goals for technical professionals:
:: “Perform maintenance and repair to heavy equipment, work in teams with defined goals, making routine monitoring and controls to machines that are operative, ensure proper function of newly acquired machinery, report before and after adjustments”.
Category :Career goals samples
:: “Organization of work teams according to their most outstanding skills, leadership in the area of maintenance and cleaning. Monitoring of appropriate work procedures. Selection, distribution and control of chemical inputs and improvement in the efficiency of the workers”.
Category :Career goals samples
:: “Adequate level of customer care, personalized service, compliance of goals and monthly fees. Right product promotion, sales closing and post sales service”.
Category :Career goals samples
Use any of these career goals and include them in your curriculum vitae, so that your future employer knows what it is you want in a job.
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