Last modified 01/26/2024

New Zealand, average wages, professionalsBest salaries in New Zealand

On the continent of Oceania is located the island of New Zealand in close proximity to Australia. This country is a country that has one of the strongest economies in the world.
This is thanks to the trade agreements they have with other developed countries such as United States, United Kingdom, China and Australia. New Zealand is a country that provides many jobs to thousands of professionals working in this nation, who then could go to establish businesses and companies in Europe.
However, the global financial crisis loomed several European countries, and many professionals from Europe and other countries aim to work in New Zealand.
Do you want to know which the average salary in New Zealand is? This article will give you some information on the average wage in New Zealand.
Salaries of professionals:
Professional people who are studying at colleges or universities in countries of Europe and North America are the ones with receive a better pay. Also those with a bachelor’s degree plus some specialization, could double their average salaries.
Now we will give you a list of some of the work to professionals in New Zealand and their average annual compensation.
Jobs – Salary
Civil Engineer $ 83,000
Business Manager $ 91,000
Lawyer $ 63,000
Systems Engineer $ 65,000
Industrial Engineer $ 86,000
Agronomist $ 79,000
Architect $ 46,000
Salaries of technicians:
New Zealand is a nation that is growing steadily in which the demand for technical work increases constantly in this nation. Those working as a technician earn an average salary that helps them to live a comfortable lifestyle.
There is so much demand for these work positions that New Zealand looks for technical professionals from other countries. We will give you a list of some examples of annual technical salaries and career most requested.
Jobs – Salary
Accounting Assistant $ 31,000
Heavy equipment operator $ 31,000
Installer grids $ 29,000
Ceramic Installer $ 29,000
Graphic designer $ 29,000
Metalworking Technician $ 28,000
Industrial electricity Technician $ 28,000
Auto mechanic $ 48,000
Call center operator $ 46,000
Maintenance Technician $ 56 000
Networks Installer $ 25,000
Other Salaries:
The average salaries of people who have half-time jobs or independent full-time jobs are calculated in hours, such as professional and technical. The part-time job positions are taken by youth between 18 and 26 years, and their average annual salary is $ 25,000.
Also independent work as gardeners or painters can earn wages similar to those of a professional technician. The average annual salary for these jobs is in the range of $ 23,000 to $ 30,000.
Image courtesy of “domdeen” /

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