Last modified 01/27/2024

What are the services offered by the mobile phone corporations in the United Stated of America?  free sms to USA :

The mobile phone or cell phone is one of the essential elements for the communication today, even more at the United States of America where the great part of the people is dedicated to the local and international business. For that reason on that country, the mobile telephone service obtains a good technological advance process. The principal companies which offer good mobile telephone services are:

Verizon : This company is offers the open mobile telephone communication service, which is executed through the propagation of a wireless signal, besides it offers the satellite TV signal service and internet directly to from the mobile equipment; likewise Verizon counts with a great private network for the other corporation business. Its mobile equipments can goo according to the chosen plan: before-payment or after-payment.

Nextel : This is one of the companies with the focus over the corporative area. Great part of its investments is used to advance the development of its own Nextel private signal which is strictly for business men and important people. The service offered by Nextel is exactly the same like any other telephone company; however it does not count with a great demand if we talk about the cell phones. The distributed plans by this company are also before-payment and after-payment. The last product released to the market is nothing less than its own mobile internet network with a really great wide broad-band.

Cingular : This company has a great history in the United States of America. Its principal services belong to the before-payment and after-payment planning. It counts with discount packages to offer a comfortable service to the user. Without any doubt, Cingular always has available the last models and designs for cell phones, which counts with a great demand on the American market. Between its last products we can surely find the iPhone 4 and the iPad, which count with Cingular signal and they can be both acquired with a package full of unlimited calls and free internet.

AT&T : This was the first corporation which developed the mobile telephone service on the United States of America. Its great experience on the market makes of it, a great company with many services to offer to the regular and not so regular users. Such variety of mobile equipments is helping to catch the attention of a lot of new clients, besides the prices of its plans are totally accessible for any regular customer. It offers music, chat, TV, internet, sending of multimedia messages, games between other kind of entertainments for the user and more.

Sprint : Finally we found the Sprint Company, which offers a great diversity if we talk about mobile equipments with before-payment and after-payment kinds of plans. It network works based on wireless, likewise it offers mobile internet and chat through msn.

Of all the companies mentioned previously, the one covering a really great part of the American market is AT&T; this is because it has a sort of great history at the United States of America.

The great part of the people trust in this company not just for the really good service offered to the general public but for its solid base which helps to consolidate this company as one of the best in the United States of America.

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