Last modified 10/09/2023

Wages and salaries for professionals in the United States of America:

dolar2In the United States of America, the professional jobs that are related to the health sector and to the technology are highly demanded and, therefore, the ones who dedicate themselves to this type of activities are the ones who are earning higher wages and salaries per year.

Wages and salaries for professionals in the United States of America, FORBES, NACE, Better paid profession.

Been a developed economy, in the United States of America, the wages and salaries for professionals are not even, depending on the sector people are working at. Different studies performed by specialists and magazines show us that the jobs related to the health sector, are the ones that have a greater economic presence regarding annual salaries.

To FORBES in the year 2007, the health sector, composed by doctors, nurses, dentist surgeons and other non – medical professions, the medics are the one who are earning more.

• The general doctors and from diverse specializations, can be found between the most solicited and better paid one, such as the anesthesiologists (US$ 192 780), the surgeons (US$ 191 410), the gynecologists (US$ 183 600), the facial and jawbone surgeons (US$ 178 440), the internal medicine specialists (US$ 155 150), the general head doctors (US$ 153 640), the psychiatrist doctors (US$ 147 620), the general pediatrician doctors (US$ 145 210)
• As follow, the better paid profession is the dentist surgery. At the inside of this profession, the orthodontist doctors charge around (US$ 185,340), the dentist surgeons (US$ 169 360), the general dentist surgeons (US$ 147 010) and other dental specialists (US$ 120 360), placing them around the better paid specialists.
• A profession linked with health is the podiatry, whose professionals annually earn an average salary of US$ 119 790 dollars.
• Other well paid professions are the ones related to production and technology, such as the Engineering Managers (US$ 15 610), Oil Engineers (US$ 113 890), the Computer and System Managers (US$ 113 880) and the Natural Science Managers (US$ 113 170)
• Professions related to the legal aspects (lawyers US$ 118 280), company management (Executive Presidents US$ 151 370 dollars, Marketing Managers US$ 113 400 dollars, Sales Managers US$ 106 790 dollars, Financial Managers US$ 106 220).
• Professions related to aeronautics such as airline pilots US$ 148 810 dollars, Aero Traffic Controllers US$ 107 780 dollars.

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), in a survey applied in the year 2006, it pointed out that the professionals who were just graduating from North American universities and that were mostly required and better paid were the Chemical Engineering ones (US$ 55 900), electric engineering (US$ 52 899), mechanic engineering (US$ 50 672), computer sciences ((US$ 50 046), among others.

Likewise, according to the company specialized in technological employment, YOH SERVICE, which elaborates the salary index taking into consideration the information of more than 1 000 companies in the technology sector, as well as the Robert Half International in 2008’s third semester, the most required professional were the developers of technology such as JAVA, NET, SHAREPOINT and PHP, the managers of Oracle Database, SAP consultants and the specialists in Firmware (Firme programming), whose salary ranges moves from US$ 60 000 and US$ 100 000 dollars.

The firm Global One points out that ever technology professional that has an ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) certificate, for high demands can see his or her salary increasing by US$ 28 000 dollars a year.
To FORBES, the university professional with less than 5 years of experience who are earning less annually, are the professionals of the social sciences, in a range that fluctuates between US$ 34 700 (Psychologists) and US$ 39 400 (Politic Science) and the ones that are earning more, are the ones related to engineering, such as informatics engineer (US$ 60 500), electronic engineers (US$ 59 900) and mechanic engineers (US$ 56 900).

Summing up, the medical employees from the diverse specialties are the best paid ones in the United States of America, then, the engineers related to production and technology, according to what has been stated by several specialists.

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