Last modified 10/07/2023

tips to apply for a job position, how to get a good job, free tips to get a good jobAdvantages and Disadvantages in a Job Interview

The selection process begins once a company receives the resume of candidates for the vacant position and when this company finds the most suitable profile for the position. Once this is done, we call for the job interview. A job interview has several goals. The first one is to know better the job candidate. The second one, to verify the information the applicant wrote in their resume, ask questions about their past work, their career goals and a personal goal.
During this interview, the company will ask many questions to know the advantages and disadvantages that the candidate possesses.What would be the best answers to these questions? In this article we will give you more information on the advantages and disadvantages when you pass through a job interview.
One of the highlights during the job interview is that the candidate can name several strengths. It is not necessary for the interviewer to ask the candidate about their strengths. A good candidate will emphasize their strengths from the very beginning of the interview. To be cautioned at work is something important for a company’s required candidates.
When you start the job interview, speak firmly, and naturally, to respond any question you are being asked. You must give concrete and simple answers with a firm voice to answer the question and be careful not to go off topic in the conversation.
If you are being asked to detail any of your business qualities, you could say, for example, that you are a responsible and hardworking employee, who is always motivated to achieve the goals of the company. To be punctual, to work together, to work under pressure, and to know how to communicate with users and especially to solve conflicts in a workplace are some strengths or advantages that will help you win that job vacancy.
In the job interview you could say that you are an educated person and you are keen to grow professionally in a work environment. In a job interview –if you like– you can take a copy of your printed resume, recommendations, references or studies certificates.
The interviewer will try to find out what would the disadvantages and weaknesses hiring you for the job vacancy will have, so it’s vital to stay focused every time you are being asked something. Most of the questions are related to work but some can be about your personal life, through them they will want to know what your weaknesses are.
When it is your turn to respond to questions about your personal life, for example, are you comfortable with the place where you live? Do you have a steady partner? Or what are your goals in 20 years? Respond concretely and positively.
Remember to answer sincerely because lying or omitting something could be the reasons why you do not get chosen for the job vacancy. Introduce yourself properly and use a vocabulary that shows you are a professional. Your image says a lot.
Image courtesy of “imagerymajestic” /

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