Last modified 10/05/2023

Information about Studying Permits and Student Visas for Canada :
Studying and changing the lifestyle one has been used to, has become the desire of thousands of young people. In Latin America, where higher education lacks the incentive of most governments, educational opportunities are few. This is why there is a lot of people migrating to receive a good education and move forward in their seek for personal growth. 
Studying in Canada is the beginning of a life full of great possibilities. Canada is a country that has managed to seduce many Hispanic youth. Its high quality education levels and research investment (primary characteristic of any first world university system) puts Canada among the countries with the best university system. In addition, Canada is a multicultural country (due to its large migrant groups), where xenophobia and discrimination are reduced to the minimum expression.

According to recent statistics, about 130 thousand students from all over around the world come to Canada to start or complete their university studies in various fields of knowledge. There was also, a considerable group of people who only went to Canada to improve (or learn) their level of English or French. 
In order to be able to study in Canada, you are going to need a study permit, and in some cases, Canadian authorities will request you to go over the process of getting a student visa to enter Canada. 
In the following paragraphs, you will be able to find useful information about permits and student visas in Canada. While many young people see the entrance to a Canadian educational institution as the first step to permanent immigration, here we focus only on those who harbor the sole intention of receiving university education. 
Now, to go to Canada you will require two important documents, without which it is impossible to study in Canadian territory (with exceptions) and able to stay for more than six months. These include: study permit and student visa. 
Study Permit certifies the applicant as an international student in a specific university in Canada. In these papers you will find details, specifically, of the level of education to take and the time spent in Canada, which will develop the academic training. 
Among the main requirements that must be satisfied before an immigration officer, you will find that they include: Having letter of acceptance from the university selected by the candidate, demonstrate that, he or she, has sufficient economic resources to meet the cost of the program of study, certify that it has the resources necessary to bear the costs of stay, a commitment to leave Canada before the expiry of the permit authorization, among other requirements. 
Then there will be a list of documents to be delivered to start the processing of the study permit:  
• Present properly completed, the visitor visa applications and your request for temporary stay for studies. 
• Letter of acceptance from the school in Canada. 
• Pay application processing fee. 
• Certificated or documentary evidence of the domain (fluent oral and written) of English or French. 
• Passport valid for at least 6 months. 
• Two identical photographs, passport size, color or black and white (no older than 6 months). 
• Provide proof of economic solvency (credit availability of financial resources with which account). 
• Proof of studies throughout his or her academic life. 
• If possible, detailing previous work experience. 
• Police Clearance Certificate for students over 18 years old. 
• Medical evaluation by a physician selected by the Canadian authorities. 
• If a family member will provide financial assistance, it is necessary to prove the relationship to the applicant. 
However, due to the absence of immigration and diplomatic agreements between some countries, citizens of some of them should start the process for obtaining a visa in order to be able to study in Canada. The vast majority of nations of Latin America face this situation. The only alternative is to apply for a student visa. 
As follows, you will find a list of all the requirements that the Canadian embassy officials down to the evaluation process of applicants for student visas: Letter of acceptance from an educational institution in Canada, enough money to cover the costs of ongoing maintenance costs and expenses transport, passport, good health and no criminal record. 
You must be aware that, undergoing the processing of a student visa requires you to have already obtained a letter of acceptance from an educational institution in Canada. This is the main requirement for getting a student visa. By obtaining this card the processing of study permit and student visa to Canada can also begin simultaneously. 
Finally, remember that it is better not to send any original documents in the processing of the letter of acceptance from a Canadian educational institution. In this way, you can avoid problems of losing the documents sent by any postal service. 
Each year, many people in Canada and all over around the world find in the Canadian university system, the way to restart their lives and build a better future for them. Now, do not forget that, in order for you to be able to study in Canada, besides from having certain skills, you must meet a series requirements established by the federal government of Canada.

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