Last modified 01/25/2024

Speech of the Godfather on a “15 years old” party : 

One of the habits or rituals in any celebration is the known “Speech”. On a 15 years party, the girl and the parents offer a speech as always, but the godfather must do it too. For that reason, if you are the godfather of a girl on her 15 year party and you do not know what to say, with this essay, we not only will tell you how to prepare a good speech but we will give some of the best examples you can ask for.

The recommendable steps to follow for the speech in those kinds of celebration are the next ones:



–         At the beginning you must thank to the girl and the parents, because they chose you to be the godfather of the party

–         You may tell a funny story about the celebrated girl, if you do not remember any funny one, you could make mentioned of some virtues or characteristics of hers.

–         You also can propose a toast for the celebrated girl and wish to her happiness on this new phase of her life.

–         Finally, a good advice may be that you prepare a speech before the party and with the essential words. The speech must not last a lot of time, but at least it has to last 5 minutes. Likewise, try to not drink too much liquor before the time of the speech, otherwise you may look like a drunken clown in front of everybody or even worst, you may be speechless.

Next, I will show you some of the best examples of speeches of the Godfather on a “15 years” party:

Good night to everyone, first at all, I would like to say thanks for the invitation to be the godfather in the 15 years party of my dear (here goes the name of the celebrated girl). Goddaughter, today you start a new phase on your life, one of the most beautiful phase I shall say, where your feelings and your thoughts will change from a girl to a woman.

As your godfather, I advise you to trust your parents without doubt, respect them and talk to them when the time to make an important decision arrives. I know you since you were born and I know you have a lot of virtues. You are a smart, respectful and an obedient girl. I remember that a couple years ago I went to your house to invite you to come with me and my daughters, your cousins, to the beach, but like there was none of your parents at home, you told me you cannot go with us, even if I insisted to, now that is something I like to call”sense of responsibility”.

That is he way you are and I hope that you always have the trust and the integrity with your parents. Remember that they only wish the best for you. Today you leave the sweet girl behind to become into a beautiful girl and I really wish you the best on this new and beautiful phase of your life.

2.  – Good evening ladies and gentlemen, it is a pleasure tome being here tonight. To say the truth, it is an honor for me to be the chosen as the godfather of (here goes the name of the celebrated girl) in her 15year party and that way, we can share this joyful moment together.

My new goddaughter today says goodbye to the childhood to begin a new and beautiful phase, as a young lady. Dear goddaughter, I want to tell you that from now on, you will see the life from a different perspective; you will have a new view of what we call Life. Perhaps you may have a lot of confusions and questions without answers, but I ma really sure that you will go on and be completely happy. I want to ask you to enjoy this day and the other ones, sharing many happy moments along with the young people like you, but do not ever forget that you have a family to support you.

Remember that you will make your parents, me and all of the people who cares about you really happy if you go through the life acting with respect and responsibility. Because the only way to live a happy life is absolutely the respect for the others. For that reason, tonight, I want to ask to everybody here if may pretty goddaughter looks for you and asks for an advice, do not let her down and support her with a smile on your faces, I want to finish saying this, my dear goddaughter, we are happy to have you in our life, and remember that you are the best gift God ever gave to your parents.

Image: anankkml /

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