Last modified 01/26/2024

How to ask for
more hours at work

How to ask for more hours at work

The salary of an employee depends on its performance and the work hours. There are some employees who have a fixed work schedule and others who don’t but in both cases, their possibilities to increase their budget will depend on the extra hours of work.
If you have more than a year working in the same company and you want to earn extra money, it’s time to ask for more hours of work.
Extra hours of work in company will help you to cover your expenses, ask for a bank credit or buy things you need to start new projects. In this article you’ll see how to ask for more hours at work.


Before to ask for more hours at work, consider first the time you are working in a company. It’s recommended to have about 9 months or a year of work to ask for extra hours.
Not only that, if the company where you work for has financial problems or is firing employees to reduce expenses, you must not ask for extra hours yet. Wait things become stable again.


The best way to show you deserve to work more hours is by working with effort every day. Be punctual at work, pay attention to the recommendations of the experienced ones, show enthusiasm and be ready to work extra hours even though work is set for weekends.


Explain the reasons you have to ask for more hours of work. Be honest and tell your boss why you need to work overtime. You can ask for more work hours personally or through a formal document as a request letter.
Here you’ll find a sample of a request letter to ask for more hours at work.

Letter sample to ask more hours at work :

April 18th, 2018
RRHH Office
Elegance Textile Co
210 Martin Street
New York, NY 10011
Subject: Extra hours
First, it’s a pleasure to contact you. Due to the fact next month my children start a new academic year, I need to work more hours to cover the expenses related to their education. Through this document, I required this company to assign me extra hours at work.
At this moment, I’m working 8 hours a day and 2 extra hours on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I’m available and willing to work extra hours the rest of the week or to work 4 extra hours instead of 2. I hope you consider my request because I’m a responsible worker who always does my best in my position in the company.
I thank you in advance for considering this fair request.
Eduard T Nahiam
Quality Control Supervisor
Elegance Textile Co.

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