Last modified 01/23/2024

Best tips to make
a girl think of you

Tricks to get a girl to like you
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If at some point you wondered “Is she thinking about me?” there is no doubt you must read this article.Here you will know some love strategies to make her bear you in mind.

Go out and have fun :

Something that is 100% guaranteed to make a girl think about you is to make her have fun and be happy. Take her to places like amusement parks, theatres, cinemas, discotheques, etc.

Hug on the roller coaster, laugh with a comedy film, dance and enjoy the most. She will be thinking for days on what a good time you had together in those places.

Give her something special :

On special dates such as Valentine’s Day or couples anniversaries, give her something that is special for both of you. It need not be an expensive gift, but it must be meaningful.

For instance, give her a DVD with the movie you saw together for the first time, or a CD with songs you both like.

If you want a simple but effective gift, you can send her romantic instant messages (SMS) with a beautiful phrase. But, you should not do so too often, as it might turn from romantic to annoying.

the best way to make a girl become obsessed with you

Make her feel lovely :

Women love knowing that the rest of people admire them not just because of their personality, but also because of the way they look. If you want her to think of you, take every opportunity to make her feel good about herself.

For instance, when you go shopping together to a mall, you can say “these jeans will look great on you”. Thus you indirectly tell her she has nice legs and that will boost her self-esteem. And she will think of you when she wants to wear some jeans to look good.

tips for first date success,how to make her think about you

Leave a hint :

If you are still trying to conquer her, this tactic will surely make her think of you. When you are having a conversation somewhere, when you retreat, leave something behind on purpose.

first date tips,best love tips & relationship advice for girls
For example, if you are at her house, leave your scarf or your i-pod behind. You will thus leave a trace on the place where you have been and she will think of you when she sees those objects.

In the case of the i-pod, you had better load it with music either of you like. She will certainly listen to some of the songs.

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Show your personality :

When going out somewhere, the man must be always on time for dates. If she likes to keep people waiting, be patient and take it easy, do not let her notice her attitude annoys you.

When you take her back home, hold her hand and walk together.

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Take the initiative and start a conversation about something funny that happened to you today. She will see you as someone who is confident and she will keep you in mind for it.

Needless to say, you will need to wear your best clothes and us the right fragrance on that day. Ladies like a manly fragrance and appreciate them as part of our personality.

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Images credits :
Original images courtesy of  How to make a girl think about you”Pixabay

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