Last modified 01/16/2024

birthday messages, birthday phrases, birthday smsNice birthday messages for my partner

The best thing to give on the day of the birthday of the person you love is to show all your love. Remember that today is the day you can tell her about all those beautiful feelings you feel about her.
Do you want the love of your life to know all the love you have inside for her? In this article you will see some very warmhearted messages to dedicate on the birthday of the person you love, you will see that your partner will be very happy.
Free list of birthday messages for my partner:
:: “Today I was so excited about the day of your birthday, we had so pretty moments in your home with all your family and friends, I hope you enjoyed the most, I love you”.
Category :birthday messages for my partner
:: “You are so happy because you have a family that loves you and also friends who love you, and this is because you deserve it, I now have a wonderful day beside us all, remember that I love you madly ”
Category :birthday messages for my partner
:: “You should not have one birthday per year, you have many, because you are a special person to me, I hope you to have the best day of your life on this birthday”.
Category :birthday messages for my partner
:: “Today you turned another year of life, and now I have less age, but years they seem to doesn’t pass because you look more beautiful every year. I wish you the best birthday, you deserve it, love you”.
Category :birthday messages for my partner
:: “Thanks to you I found what means to be in love, I thank you from the bottom of my soul to be with me and today is the day of your birthday I wish you all the best in the world, I love you”.
Category :birthday messages for my partner
:: “Now you are with me, and I hope it to be like this forever, however if in the future I am not with you, I want you to always be happy, I wish you a beautiful birthday, love”.
Category :birthday messages for my partner
:: “The day you were born it was the most important of all days because thanks to it you are beside me, every time I see your eyes do not know how glad I am with my life, you are as the light that guides my life, so today we are celebrating your birthday and I want you to be the happiest woman on earth”.
Category :birthday messages for my partner
:: “You are so beautiful, I can not explain like an angel as you may have noticed me because you are my eternal gift, and today we celebrate your birthday I want you to enjoy to the fullest and especially to feel the immense love I have, happy birthday my love”.
Category :birthday messages for my partner
:: “You can’t imagine the wills I have to share my whole life with you, is that every day I try to express all my love, but today is the day of your birthday I want you to know that you are better than I have in the life, I love you”.
Category :birthday messages for my partner
:: “I know that I will never forget this day, because you are having an amazing birthday, I always remember you my love. Happy Birthday my sweetheart and many more come together.
Category :birthday messages for my partner
Hopefully some of these posts will help you to convey everything you feel for your loved one on the day of his or her birthday, good luck.
Image courtesy of “Ambro” /

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