Last modified 10/05/2023

How to write a good thesis :

The thesis has to be a demonstration of the knowledge acquired in a formative stage by a student on his or her way through college and it can also serve as a bridge to better training opportunities (scholarships, internships) or job opportunities for knowledge and demonstrated skills.

When you finish college, most college students believe they have completed the hardest step of the way to becoming a professionals and do not realize that the rocky road has just begun, because from there, they must develop a thesis opting for an academic degree or professional degree. Then, why something that should be the culmination of a nice long period of study has become a hurdle for both college graduates that prevents a short – term exercise and qualified in the field of the chosen profession.

The answer to this question is already given away, because many of the students not only avoid having a serious and rigorous academic university learning, which leaves them unable to demonstrate knowledge, but they also have doubts about the utility generated by a thesis on the sidelines of serving as requirement for their graduation, forgetting that a thesis can be the start of a very successful career. This is because if it brings new knowledge to the discipline we have chosen to follow, it may give us access to scholarships, internships and career options that we may later not have, and it shows our developed capacities and abilities.

Developing a thesis requires an entire research methodology, which is often taught in a light or shallow way in the different majors that we might be following on college; many times, this is because the college itself forgets that teaching and giving a good training in research methodology will allow future graduates the possibility of developing their thesis with scientific rigor and professional approach that may eventually serve them as the basis of their first book.

The development of a thesis requires a series of steps that have to be taken, but the fundamental of them all is choosing the research topic and, in order to be able to do that, we need to define in advance the materials or university courses in which we excel in knowledge, which we help us opting for a particular subject that is within the reach of our knowledge.

The second step is formulating the research problem, this means that, once we have chosen our subject, we must narrow it down to the lowest level of research and we must ask questions that lead us to define the research problem and determine whether it is solvable or not; in this step we should try to answer to the question why and investigate.

The third step is to develop the outline or scheme of the thesis, it means developing a logical set of issues that you believe in, it form must contain the thesis, for which the scheme should be developed in chapters, placing the initial contents to be developed in each chapter. This allows us to define the scope of the investigation.

The fourth step is to establish the research methodology, for example how you will gather the information, the statistical techniques you will use in the research process, etc.

The fifth step is to identify sources of information which should be employed to develop the theme, for example all the theoretical information that will help you giving consistency to your investigation, and all the technical and statistical evidence to prove what we intend to research about.

The sixth step is to establish the timetable for the preparation of the thesis, which will set the date of start and finish of your work, both in general and for the formulation of each chapter.

Image: Michal Marcol /

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