Last modified 01/19/2024

Rest in peace phrases

rest in peace poems ,rest in peace quotations The death of a friend or a relative causes sadness. The fact that we’ll never see that person again affects our mood and breaks our heart.
We all should understand that life has an end. Living in this world is beautiful but someday we should say good bye forever.
Death doesn’t call people in advance, it could happen at any moment and that’s why sometimes is difficult to accept it. Has any relative or friend passed away recently? Do you want to give support to the ones who lost a beloved person?
In this article you’ll find some rest in peace quotes. Use these quotes to express your condolences.

Download best rest in peace wordings :

:: “Now he’s in heaven taking care of us, let’s live happy and his soul will be happy too, he rest in peace and his spirit is with god”
Category : Rest in peace wordings
:: “That brave spirit against the adversity and the way she loved the people around her should be in our memories forever. Now she rests in peace and guides us to the right way”
Category : Rest in peace wordings
:: “Everybody miss her smile, she never asked anything in exchange, everything she did for us was because of love, her soul left her body but she will never leave our hearts. Rest in peace”
Category : Rest in peace wordings
:: “You were a man who fought in lots of wars, you were a winner in life but even a man like you can avoid the death, good bye my friend, you are a role model for everyone”
Category : Rest in peace wordings
:: “Today I say good bye to you and I’m sad because I’ll miss talk to you, ask for an advice and cry in your shoulder in those bad days, good bye forever my friend, I’m sure you are in heaven now”
Category : Rest in peace wordings

Examples of what to write in a condolence cards :

:: “Your soul will rest in peace, you always did the right thing, when I asked you for help, you always did, when I didn’t know what to do, you gave me confidence, everybody will miss you”
Category : Condolence sayings for cards
:: “You were a good son with your parents and a good friend to everyone, you were unique and you taught us that it doesn’t matter what others think about us, the only thing that matters is our happiness, rest in peace”
Category : Condolence sayings for cards
:: “Your days in this world were full of love and happiness; I learned from you many things. Never give up, laugh about my problems and try to be the best in everything I do, thanks for everything, rest in peace”
Category : Condolence sayings for cards
We hope this list of rests in peace quotes help you to express what you feel in this hard moment. Remember something, we only live once, try to be happy the way you are and your soul will be in peace forever.

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Image credits :
Love quotes cards : original images courtesy of “″/
Post image :courtesy of , all modified by

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