Last modified 01/16/2024

birthday, birthday letters, birthday models lettersExcellent birthday letter for my partner

When the person we love is meeting a year of life is an important date in which we have to let him know how important he is in our lives.
If you do not have money to buy him some expensive gift or an invitation to a restaurant, do not worry. An alternative is to send a beautiful note, where you express what you feel about him or her and let him know that you feel a great emotion for his birthday.
If you want you can give this note with a box of chocolates or other small detail for the excitement to be even greater.
We present two examples of notes to say hello to your partner on the day of his birthday. You can customize if you want your sweetheart to pass a truly unforgettable birthday.
Example 1 of a birthday letter for my partner:
Congratulations on your birthday my dear!
You are the most important of my life, you know. You have an incomparable beauty and love is what makes me feel very lucky. I thank you because you give me your support when I need it. Every wonderful moment spent with you have helped to make much stronger this great feeling that unites us. I wish we could be together for the rest of our lives and enjoy this great love. Maybe I can not give you an expensive gift, but what I can give you is my sincere affection forever.
Do not forget that I will always be by your side to help you in anything you want, count me forever. Love you so much my beloved princess and I promise again that I will take care of you because you are the most beautiful thing I have. I want you to always feel safe with me because you are the only woman I love. I am willing to do anything you ask me to always see you happy.
Have a memorable birthday my love, I will be with you to help make all your dreams come true.
Example 2 of a birthday letter for my partner:
My beloved boyfriend
It will be a year in which I will feel very happy. I feel a great emotion to be with you to celebrate that God is giving you another year of life. When I met you I realized that you are a wonderful man and I am very happy to be your girlfriend. You are a very loving boy who every day shows me his love and thank you very much for being so. We have had many difficulties, but we have always solved with love so we are now closer than ever.
In all these years you have taught me many wonderful things, so I love you. Thank you so much for being so patient and understanding with me, give me your care and comfort in difficult times of my life. Being the owner of your heart is the best thing that could happen to me. You are the love of my life and I will never stop loving you. Today is your birthday and I want to tell you I wish you much happiness, love. May God grant you more years of life to continue loving you.
Have a happy birthday my beloved boyfriend.
We hope these examples have helped you feel inspired to write a nice note to your partner on the day of his birthday. If you want you can include a photo of you both, or draw of a heart with the name of you two to make it more special.
Image courtesy of “digitalart” /

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