Last modified 01/21/2024

Beautiful text messages for a woman

Women are the most beautiful thing that God created, Ricardo Arjona says it really well on his song; we all know that women are a gift from heaven, being sincere, without them we would not be able to live completely nor reach real happiness.
A woman represents the delicacy and charm of the entire world. Use one of these texts and send it to your friends, your mother, that aunt or niece close to you or that special little person who has reached your heart.
On this page you will find nice messages dedicated to all women. Send SMS or post them on your Facebook wall.
Beautiful messages for a woman:
– Women are as beautiful as a rose and so precious and mysterious that it would be impossible to dig into their souls.
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– Women, synonymous of delicacy and sweetness, of love and tenderness; I will die in your arms and you will be like the moon that gives me life, without your light I would not be able to live.
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– Thanks God for having created such a noble being, as full of energy and wisdom as women are.
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– A woman is idealistic, she fights for her dreams without needing anyone reminding her of what to do, and she is strong as a rock, though she may, at times, seem so fragile. Without a doubt, she is an admirable human being.
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– A woman is really strong in her feelings and connection, as well as in making decisions. She is capable of defending what she loves till the end of her days.
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– Women, you are so pure and beautiful, help me to feel alive again; to be myself in the middle of so much egoism.
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– God created man first and then women, that is because, before creating a masterpiece it is necessary to make a test first, lol.
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– The most beautiful invention of all was women, that is because she is able to connect with their children and keeps men focused on their own ideals.
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– There is nothing as true as this: behind every great man there is a good woman.
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– Women have the ability of being strong and the gift of being organized. Listen to them, since they have a lot to teach us.
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– Women and children are innocent creatures of the Lord. Let’s learn to be like them.
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– Women reveal happiness through a smile, which, behind itself, hides a great story.
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– Only women have the power to make a man fall surrendered to her feet. This is an innate power that cannot be hidden or changed.
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– Women throughout history have taught us to be free, leaving every fear behind, to tolerate the difficult moments and to make choices that lead us as far as we can go. They are an example of life, and we should follow their advices to be better persons.
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– You should never touch a woman, not even with the petal of a rose, or, believe me, the pain will get to you but duplicated.
Category :messages for a woman
Women love to hear and read tender phrases that compliment them, and who does not like this? Showing a sample of affection by sending a message is never useless. Send a phrase to a special woman, dedicate a nice text message and make her feel special and beloved.

Send your originals Sms, text, text messages, quotes, messages for a woman , and will be published, others friends will thank you .

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