Last modified 01/26/2024

Sweet greetings or messages for a just married couple :

The marriage between two people of different sexes is actually one of the most important social institutions around the whole world, because this is the base of the family. Sadly, these last years, the number of people who choose to get married has decreased considerably due the amazing increasing of divorces and the fact that many young people choose a professional career instead of being part of a new family. 


This is our reality, and we must add the sexual preferences between people of the same sex, which has motivated many countries to legalize the famous “gay marriage”, actually this condition has not been approved by any kind of religion until today.

The number of marriages has decreased these last years, this is also because the education level reached by many women today, and of course their incursion to the job market. These women are who prefer to be single ones instead of building a family with a man.
Besides, actually the women know that they do not need a man to take care of a little kid; there are even some women who choose the adoption as necessary requirement.

Then, what is really a marriage? The marriage is the union of two people of different sexes with one objective: raise a family, have children, share rights and economic, domestic, sexual, religious, moral and social duties etc.

Actually, the young marriages, in other word the people who got born since the early 80’s, have a period of life about 5 years, because they end up choosing the divorce. By the other hand, the people who got born since the early 70’s will remain married about 15 years, tops.

These kinds of situations happen principally because many young marriages do not live the boyfriend-girlfriend experience the right way, this means that they do not know each other completely and they already want to get married over night. Finally, these couples end up separated from each other and later the word “divorce” happens to be the best idea to solve all the problems. Some people even want to annul their religious marriage.

For that reason, the messages we must send to those people who still believe in the marriage and also to those who are having some problems as a married couple are the next:

– A marriage is like a gift from God and it must be taken care of like a treasure. To do that it is really important the trust and the respect.
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– The marriage is the matter of two people, for that reason; if you want to have a happy marriage then you must share everything with your couple and think about common objectives.
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– Remember that you always must respect your wife if you want her to respect you the same way.
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– The children are the best gift a married couple can receive ever.
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– Remember that the fact of rejecting an adventure with another woman does not make you a coward or an idiot, to say the truth it makes you brave man.
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– If a married couple wants to be a total success, then there must be respect between each other.
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– The marriage is the union of two people who love each other and their love is the only thing that really matters.
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The following messages are specifically for those people who are just married:– Many congratulations for the most in love couple of the entire world. I really wish you the best of the world.
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– Now that you two are husband and wife, I am pretty sure that your love will increase even more than today. Happy marriage
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– God bless your nice marriage. Many congratulations.
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– I really wish that you are husband and wife forever. Happy marriage.
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– Today you two start a new life, but together, in this new life you will share happiness, sadness, laughs and tears.
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– But I want you to know that the love you feel for each other will help you to go against any adversity in your new life. Happy marriage.
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– Your marriage for us is like a great event because it is about two beloved people to us. For that reason we wish you the best of the entire world. Happy marriage.
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– I hope you marriage is full of happiness and the love never ends. Sincerely
, your good friends.
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– Because I am witness of the big love you two feel for each other, I wish you the best. Happy marriage.
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– This is a very special day, because today you will get married for the first time. Many congratulations. These are the best wishes form your best friends.
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In conclusion, the marriage is an agreement that just a few couples want to accomplish today. The most of the married couples end up asking for the divorce, but this happens for many reasons actually. The truth is that if you want to keep a happy marriage, it is necessary to count with much love, respect between each other, the tolerance and the common objectives.



Image: bigjom /

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