Last modified 01/22/2024

messages about life, phrases about life, sms about lifeNice messages about life for WhatsApp

Whatsapp has become very popular since the people started to buy smartphones. All the people who have one smartphone, have this wonderful tool that is very useful to being communicated with other friends, it usage is totally for free and we can use it as a social media which you can write status whenever you want.
Next we will give you some beautiful messages about life to use these as a status in your Whatsapp, we hope that you like these and you can use all what you want.
Free list of messages about life for WhatsApp:
:: “Life is short, so enjoy it like if tomorrow be the last day of being live, because we will never know about the future”.
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:: “Life is so hard for many people, however, it’s about the attitude that we take in front of a problem. Give your best face to the life and the life will return it to you”.
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:: “Never stop smiling, or giving and showing a wonderful attitude in front of the afflictions that the life has always, you must to have always a good mood and change all the bad with a wonderful smile”.
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:: “Life is too short, so we must to start to work now, always smiling, giving to the world the best that we have”.
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:: “Life always has difficulties that make us improve always, don’t run from these problems, we must to face them and learn something of each one of them, you will feel better”.
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:: “Be wise and learn from the lessons of the life, because this is the way to live”.
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:: “If you desire that your life changes, what you must to change is your inner, all what is inside stands out to outside”.
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:: “We always have second opportunities in our life to learn and improve our mistakes. Don’t waste them”.
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:: “Never give up for whatever happens to you, life is full of holes that will teach you something, be happy of being the person you are and for being wherever you are”.
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:: “If you can’t reach it, don’t five up, life is intelligent and will give you other opportunities, wait with patience”.
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:: “A life without madness is something sad, don’t doubt in having some of happiness and magic every moment that you do things”.
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Nice messages about life that will make you meditate about the thinks you have done. Otherwise use these phrase in your Whatsapp status with ideas and some smart words, they could influence in those friends who can read them.
Don’t forget that the word has a great power, because your contacts could have a life full of hope and happiness, and there is no better than Whatsapp to do that. We wish that these messages have been to your liking and you can use all that you want, don’t forget that every weekend we actualize our page. See you soon and come back when you want more advices and many more phrases full of encouragement for free.
Image courtesy of “David Castillo Dominici” /

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