Last modified 01/16/2024

birthday texts, birthday thoughts, birthday versesNice birthday messages for friends

We all have a friend to whom we love. For women, to have a good friend is compared to having a sister who you can always trust. While, for men, to have a friend is a great help to know how women think and like. If it is your friends birthday, send a nice and special message with your best wishes.
Here is a list of texts to dedicate to your friends in their birthdays. Send one of these dedications by facebook, twitter or whatsapp and it will make your friend feel very happy to take another year of life as well as increasing the friendship you both have built together.
Free list of birthday messages for friends:
:: “All my sincere love for a special friend on this special day. I wish you to have a super and extremely happy day, I wish you a happy birthday”.
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “You are always when I need you, you’re always ready to give me advices, thank you for your friendship and for being so nice to me, I love you, Happy Birthday”
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “Of all the friends I have, you are the best one, because with you I can better undestand the life and its real meaning. I want you to know that you are very special to me and I will wish ypu always the best, happy birthday”
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “Happy Birthday dear friend, we have had some good times together and that’s why I can not ever forget you, the days that are important in your life so they are for me, I wish you the best luck and many happy years”
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “Where is your birthday the day gets nice, because with you special joyness, the sunrise illuminates everyone and everything around you, you are unique and that’s why I love you that much, Happy Birthday”
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “The years that have passed since we met each other are not important, all that matters is that we keep in touch, incraesing our cheerful and optimistic spirit, which I enjoy. Don’t you never change your mood because that’s what makes you a special person, happy birthday friend”
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “You came into my life by accident and from that moment I begun to live in my happiest mood. You are a real friend and I know that in this world there is no other like you. Have a nice day and receive all the God bless, what it will grant you many more years of life, happy birthday”.
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “With you I’ve laughed and cried, we have been into a lot of trouble, but we never separate. You must know that wherever you go, you can always count on me. I wish you a happy birthday”
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “You’re the kind of person who always inspires me to give my best, being your friend is a privilege so I feel very lucky. I wish you to have a happy birthday and never change your way of being”
Category :birthday messages for friends
:: “We are inseparable friends and although the distance between us, the beautiful friendship keeps alive and will keep us together forever. Happy birthday dear friend”
Category :birthday messages for friends
We hope these messages for friends birthday express your birthday cheer and best wishes to your friend.
Image courtesy of “maple” /

Send your originals Sms, text, text messages, quotes, birthday messages for friends, and will be published, others friends will thank you .

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