Last modified 01/25/2024

similarities among emails, similarities between gmail and hotmail, emails, hotmail Gmail vs Hotmail

Many have been asking for quite some time which is the difference between Gmail and Hotmail, and which are the advantages of one over the other. The truth is that both are massive and significant web-based email services in the world, thanks to the great popularity they have both earned.
Both companies offer almost the same services, but the appearance and layout is different, Hotmail presents more colorful designs while Gmail seems to be a little bit more serious and conservative. However, the applications provided Gmail are diverse. Let’s see some differences between Hotmail and Gmail so that you can decide which one of them is the best one for you.
If we are talking about using the chat service, most users prefer the MSN Messenger because of its easy handling in addition to its well-known applications. Gmail chat is used to send instant messages, but it does not have creative and curious emoticons like MSN Messenger, so it makes the conversations less fun and enjoyable.
Gmail has a greater capacity to store emails than Hotmail, even though it is true that Hotmail has increased its inbox capacity. However, there is often a mixing of many spam which makes it a bit annoying to open.
In Gmail you can search your emails easily; simply by putting a word, the system finds all Gmail emails containing that word. Hotmail also has it, but the search of hidden messages is inefficient, so not all the emails that are expected will appear on the screen.
In Gmail you can organize your emails in different folders according to who sends you the message, for example, the people who were in your school. You can sort them into one folder and those who are your workplace, on another folder. This will allow you to avoid any clutter and find your emails easily.
Another negative aspect from Hotmail is that it infiltrates many advertising banners, while Gmail is free of them. Hotmail also presents some problems with some browsers such as Mozilla Firefox.
Both in Hotmail and Gmail it is possible for you to configure a default response when you are on vacation and are not available to answer back someone’s email or message.
However, tastes are different, and although everyone has already an account on both sites, there will always be a preference for one of them. The good thing is that both continue to serve us and they are constantly improving. Furthermore, Msn gives news of the day, while Google, gives you blogger services, an online translator service, many websites, etc., so we have the possibility of choosing any of these options.
As you can see, both Hotmail and Gmail have a great future in the field of technology and email services. These websites are the most visited by users and they will remain with us many more years, so do not be surprised when any of them start developing or creating any new features or creative applications. Come back soon for more advices and remember that the world moves with each one of us. Until next time!
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comparison of gmail and hotmail, differences among emails, differences between gmail and hotmail, Google, gmail and hotmail, gmail vs hotmail, main differences between gmail and hotmail, main similarities between gmail and hotmail, similarities among emails, similarities between gmail and hotmail, emails, hotmail

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