Last modified 01/16/2024

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When we have someone to confide in, someone who gives us their support regardless of the reason or circumstance, someone you can call any time of the day to tell them whatever, with whom you laugh as if there was no tomorrow and about the silliest things, those are real friends. When the friendship that you have is valid, then both parties are committed to the relationship, always looking to grow together.
Some believe that there is no support more important than the one you get when you are alone or in need of help, but the truth is that it is also quite necessary for the company and affection, aside of being constant, to be given in special moments, which only occur once every so often, such as birthdays.
Although the celebration is not stylish or even if it is not held, we have to show to that friend how much we care about him or her, keeping company and having a special moment by their side. A nice way to make them feel your love is by giving them a written message with love, be encouraged to check the ones that we have brought for you today.
Free examples of birthday texts for a friend:
:: “What I would like most on this day, is that you spend your day in style, that you celebrate it happily, I want to see you radiant, I swear that nothing could make me happier than that. Right now it fills me with joy to celebrate with you; we have always had so much fun together and I know today will be no exception, because nobody knows how to do a party like us. I wish you all the best in this life, because you really deserve it and may there be many more years to come and that you are very lucky”.
Category: birthday texts for friends
:: “I wish you have a wonderful evening, I know that during the day your coworkers have been celebrating your birthday in the office, so surely on that side it was all good, but now in the afternoon you have to be with your family, so that you can enjoy the night with your friends. You look so good, it really shows that you have everything in balance and I could not be happier for you”.
Category: birthday texts for friends
:: “There is no present I can offer you that is up to your height or at the same level of affection that I have for you, my friend. I remember when we were kids and we played all day, we had fun and did not worry about anything. Now, even though each of us forged a path of their own, I am comforted to see how we have such a good friendship that endures, I guess it is like that when it is real. Happy Birthday”.
Category: birthday texts for friends
:: “What a joy to be able to be with you in this new version of your birthday. I think it is great that you celebrate every year with a different theme, it gives a super special touch to your day and it also generates much expectation amongst everyone. I know I can always rely on you, as you can do on me as well. Happy day, may there be much success in your life”.
Category: birthday texts for friends
:: “You are a true friend, the one who still accompanies you even if it rains, the ones which gives you hand even if you are dirty, the ones that takes the hair from your face when a wind comes, the ones that will not allow you to get sick, not to be wrong for anything, because you are always there worrying, paying attention and caring for me. I hope to be that friend for you as well, because you are definitely that typo of friend for me”.
Category: birthday texts for friends
:: “It is incredible that we are celebrating your birthday, my friend. If it depended on me, the truth is that I would celebrate it daily because the birthdays of such special people as you should be more than once a year. I hope the Lord guides you and blesses you always, teaching you what is the right path is and how to follow it. Additionally, I will wish you well in all your undertakings, but mostly that you are also great, my friend. Have a very happy birthday”.
Category: birthday texts for friends
Having the opportunity to participate in such a nice celebration next to that special friend whom you appreciate so much is wonderful and lucky, so try not to waste it. They will be very grateful; good luck.
Image courtesy of “gubgib” /

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