Last modified 01/20/2024

Original Love Statuses for Facebook wall :

The search for love is natural for humans. The love of a boy or a girl can make us feel happy, give us hope, brighten our dark days and give a meaning to what we do. We all love feeling in love, to live and know that there is someone to share all our love with and be loved in return.

Through social networks like Facebook, couples keep in touch and send love messages to their walls or chat. Some prefer to post love poems in their status bar so everybody in love knows about it. Do you want to know what to write on your status bar to express your love for him or her?

We give you some love statuses for Facebook. Your loved one will know how much you love them.

Free download of the best love statuses for Facebook :

:: “I only know that from the first time I saw you everything changed in me. Your love captured me and I am happy for it”.
Category :Love statuses for Facebook

:: “It seems I am daydreaming, but I know it is real. You and I are together and I know nothing can separate us”.
Category :Love statuses for Facebook

:: “When I look at your face I see an angel. I love you madly and passionately. Every minute I spend with you is worth more than all the gold in the world”.
Category :Love statuses for Facebook

:: “I can only say that there was nothing before you, and ever since you came along I knew the nice things in life. I will be yours forever”.
Category :Love statuses for Facebook

:: “Take my heart and do anything you want with it, but please do not break it to pieces. I promise I will do everything I can to not be apart”.
Category :Love statuses for Facebook

:: “I think of you every minute, I want everybody to know. I want the world to know I am mad about you”.
Category :Love statuses for Facebook

:: “I see your pictures and I realize your beauty is incomparable, but you are even more beautiful inside. I feel in love with what you are, not with your looks, and it will be so until I die”.
Category :Love statuses for Facebook

:: “Before I met you I used to hate summers and sunny days, as well as winters and cold days. But since I have you I take you to the beach when it is sunny, and I hug you when I am cold and your warmth makes me feel well. I love you”.
Category :Love statuses for Facebook

:: “I used to think love was a lie, and when I saw you go by I did not know what to say. I think I will be a slave of your love until my last day”.
Category :Love statuses for Facebook

:: “I thought I was my own boss. You came along and took over me. I am now yours forever”.
Category :Love statuses for Facebook

:: “Let us take care of what we have. I want this to last forever. This is love”.
Category :Love statuses for Facebook

We hope you liked these love statuses for Facebook. Telling the world you are in love proves your love is pure and sincere.

Send your originals quotes ,phrases ,messages ,love statuses for Facebook , and will be published , others friends , will thank you .


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